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Anti·euro·centrism /ˌan-tē-ˌyu̇r-ə-ˈsen-ˌtri-zəm/

(Noun) Opposition to or resistance towards eurocentrism.

A critical and often oppositional stance towards the centrality of European culture, values, and perspectives in global narratives and systems of knowledge. This stance challenges:

  • Historical bias: Eurocentric narratives often overlook or minimize the contributions of non-European cultures and civilizations.

  • Cultural dominance: Eurocentric perspectives prioritize European art, literature, and philosophy as the pinnacle of human achievement.

  • Universalization of European values: Anti-Eurocentrism critiques the assumption that European values like democracy, individualism, and secularism are universally desirable and applicable to all cultures.

  • Political and economic dominance: It challenges the historical and ongoing influence of European powers in shaping global systems and structures.